Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocabulary #2

intercede - to act on someone's behalf in a agruement
1. Students were complaining about the teacher but the substitute interceded.
hackneyed - unoriginal ; made commonplace
2. She ordered from another hackneyed Chinese restaurant's ake-out.
approbation - approval or praise
3. The mother gave her son approbation for his fiancé.
innuendo - statement that indirects someone who has done something improper
4. The teacher's reputation was ruined by their previous students' innuendo to their superiors.
coalition - combination or alliance 
5. The French and Indians joined coalition to go against the British.
elicit -  to get a response or statement from someone
6. He was able to elicit anger from his friends.
hiatus - a break or a pause in time period
7. Francisco took a social media hiatus for 2 months.
assuage - to make something less painful.
8. He tried to assuage his sadness from his breakup
decadence - behavior that shows low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc
9. They both showed a decadence attitude towards having a job.
expostulate - to disagree or go against something
10. The boy's mom expostulate to the idea of him going out with his friends to the beach. 
simulate - to look, feel or behave like something
11. The younger sister tried to simulate her older sister.
jaded -  feeling or showing a lack of interest and excitement caused by having done or experienced too much of something
12. After drinking too much juice, the little boy jaded in playing with his friends.
umbrage -a feeling of being offended by what someone has said or done
13. Mexicans felt umbrage after Trump's speech about bashing them.
prerogative - a special right or privilege that some people have
14. Teens and Kids have a prerogative opportunity in education that most teens and kids have in other countries.
lurid - involving sex or violence in a way that is meant to be shocking ; shining or glowing with a bright and unpleasant color
transcend - to rise above or go beyond the normal limits of something 
16. Her worries and problems transcend other's normal problems.
provincial -  a person who lives or comes from a place that is far away from cities.
17. The family live in a small city provincial from Los Angeles
petulant - showing the attitude of people who become angry or annoyed when they don't get what they want
18. The little girl showed a petulant attitude towards her mom because her mom didn't buy her a candy bar.
unctuous - used to describe someone who speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not sincere
19.  She was unctuous towards her friend because her friend did not say hi to her last week.
meritorious - deserving honor or praise
20.  The boy was given a meritorious award after completing a course with a A+.

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